The Alban Lacemakers

The Alban Lacemakers


We are a group of around 50 lacemakers who meet up once a month to share our love of bobbin lace. We make both traditional and modern lace, using a variety of patterns and techniques. Together we provide a wealth of knowledge and experience of regional styles up and down the country, as well as techniques used around the world. Join us to learn more about this very specialised craft that’s steeped in history.

Three lacemakers demonstrating in front of the display of lace fans at Living crafts
Three lace demonstrators


Our next meeting will be held 19th July at 

Jersey Farm Community Centre, St Brelades Place, St Albans
AL4 9QY      7.30pm – 9.30pm

We will have home made biscuits with tea and coffee, which are included in the entrance fee, but please bring your own mug and some change for the raffle. 

At this meeting we will be running a Lace Bingo. You will not be expected to identify lace, the plan is to call out types of lace with examples and a little information on that lace. You will have a bingo card with the names of different types of lace on it and tick off when one of those types are called. You will need to have a pen or pencil so you can mark your card as the names of the laces are called out.

Visitors are always made very welcome and pay a fee of £6.


Now available from The Patricia Bury Pattern Collection. A selection of historic mainly Beds and Bucks patterns collected by Tricia over many years. Price £25 for nearly 200 downloadable patterns. Amongst them are patterns marked Lester, Marshall, Hornsey and Sergeant. We would love to hear back from anyone who makes the lace or has any further information about the people named on some of the patterns. Please click on link for further information. 

For more information please contact us via the email link below.

Check out our blog for recent activities and meeting dates

For further information please click here to send us an email using our contact form.

 To join the Alban Lacemakers or renew your membership; please click here for application form. Print out the application form and send it with your payment to The Alban Lacemakers c/o Madge Carey, 6 High Firs Crescent, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 1NA